2024 RPQRR Helicopter Survey Results

By December 4, 2024 Articles, Media

The Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch conducted its annual helicopter survey on November 9th to estimate the quail population across the ranch. The surveys were performed using an R-66 helicopter, flown at an altitude of approximately 30 feet and a speed of 25 mph. This method leverages the downdraft from the helicopter’s propulsion to flush quail into view, facilitating accurate observation and counting.

Results from the helicopter survey aligned with earlier survey data collected in 2024, indicating that this year represents the most robust quail population since 2015–2016. Observers recorded a total of 1,252 quail, with an average covey size of 13.75 birds. Using the methodology outlined in A Practical and Efficient Helicopter Survey Technique to Estimate Bobwhite Abundance on Texas Rangelands (DeMaso et al., 2010), the quail population density was estimated at 0.75 birds per acre. – by Mitchell Riggs