Preserving Texas’ wild quail hunting heritage for this, and future, generations.


Preserving Texas’ wild quail hunting heritage for this, and future, generations.


Preserving Texas’ wild quail hunting heritage for this, and future, generations.


Preserving Texas’ wild quail hunting heritage for this, and future, generations.


Preserving Texas’ wild quail hunting heritage for this, and future, generations.


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Episode 63 – What Can Texans Learn from Georgia?

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Podcasts - Dr. Dale on Quail Join Dr. Dale and his guest Reggie Thackston from Thackston Wildlife Consulting LLC from the great state of Georgia. Thackston has been an inveterate…

Steve Snell Stands as new President of RPQRF

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I don’t remember a time in my life that I didn’t consider myself a quail hunter. As a child, I would wait for my father to return from bird hunting…

Now’s the Time to Tackle Mesquites

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With summer arriving, it’s a good time to control mesquite in a targeted fashion. Honey mesquite can provide food and shelter for quail, but it is more often seen as…

The Ecological Significance of Desert Termites

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This year, May and early June saw beneficial rains over much of Texas (sorry Trans-Pecos and Permian Basin). Immediately after one of these rainy events you may have noticed swarms…

Potential Benefits of Medicated Feed for Controlling Eyeworms and Cecal Worms in Quail: A Pathway to Stabilizing Populations in Texas

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Quail populations in Texas face numerous challenges—among them parasitic infections like eyeworms (Oxyspirura petrowi) and cecal worms (Aulonocephalus pennula). These parasites not only weaken individual birds but may also impact…

Episode 62 – Making the Farm Bill Work for Bobwhites in West Texas

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Podcasts - Dr. Dale on Quail Odds are you’ve sat through a meeting on various Farm Bill programs that began to sound like “acronym soup”—EQIP, CRP, GRIP, WHIP, LIP, and…

Sustaining Texas’ Quail Hunting Legacy: The Role of the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation in Youth Education

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Quail hunting isn’t merely a sport in Texas—it's a cherished tradition deeply rooted in the state's cultural fabric. Among the custodians of this heritage stands the Rolling Plains Quail Research…

The Vital Role of Insects on the Survival of Hatchling Bobwhite Quail

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During the first week of May our technicians recorded the first successful nest hatching on the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch for the 2024 season. Fingers crossed this is a…