We seek your assistance in providing bobwhites for our research efforts; we’ll take them “dead or alive.” We need heads (and a wing) from any bobwhites bagged in the Rolling Plains of TX, OK, or other plains states (e.g., KS and NE). We need (permission to trap) live quail for our latest translocation effort in Erath Co.
Quail heads can be dropped off at the following locations, or shipped directly to RPQRR. See our website for additional information. If you wish to participate, save us 10-30 heads from your county (and a corresponding wing from each). Put each head (with wing) in a Zip-loc bag and include the date and county of harvest. See the attached pdf submission form. Contact me (drollins@quailresearch.org) for shipping details. IF you live in the Dallas area, you can drop samples off at Collector’s Covey, or if in Houston at Gordy & Sons. Specimens can also be dropped off at the Matador WMA (Paducah), Gene Howe WMA (Canadian), TPWD Inland Fisheries Office (Abilene), or Muse WMA (Brownwood).
We still need to identify 4 (or more) landowners who will let us trap 25 bobwhites from their property. Trapping would take place in mid-March but baiting would require access beginning about 15 Jan. Given the low abundance of quail this year, a “perfect” location would be a deer-hunting property that has quail, but is likely too thick to hunt quail. The closer to Erath Co. the better, but we’re prepared to travel further west. Contact me (drollins@quailresearch.org) if you’re willing to cooperate.