Are you a new landowner? Have your management practices changed on your property jeopardizing your ability to qualify for an agricultural valuation for ad valorem tax purposes? Then you may qualify for a wildlife tax valuation.
Who should attend? Texas landowners interested in wildlife tax valuation for their property. At the workshop, biologists will discuss the guidelines of wildlife tax valuation, habitat management activities, wildlife management plan development, filling out required forms and applicable management practices. There will also be tips on implementing management practices such as brush management, water development, and supplemental feeding to benefit wildlife. Biologists will be on hand to provide management recommendations and help develop wildlife management plans for those present.
The workshop will be held at the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch located on the south side of HWY 180 between Roby and Snyder, Texas (11 miles west of Roby or 21 miles east of Snyder) on Friday, March 15 starting at 10 am and ending by 3 pm. Registration is $10 which includes lunch. Participants should RSVP by March 11 by calling or e-mailing Dana Wright at 806-346-7409 or dwright@quailresearch.org.