Podcasts – Dr. Dale on Quail
Odds are if you have a hunting dog (defined broadly), you’ve done business with Gun Dog Supply’s Steve Snell. I first met Snell in 2008 and have shared quail leases with him several times since then. Believe me, there’s no one you’d rather have on your lease than Steve as he can troubleshoot your e-collar or GPS collar! Steve has served as a director for RPQRF since 2017. Join Dr. Dale, Dr. Brad Kubecka, and Steve as they discuss technologies useful in the bird dog world.
The Dr. Dale on Quail podcast series was initiated three years ago, and it’s been really well received. Co-host Gary Joiner (Communications Director for Texas Farm Bureau) serves as a great color commentator. The monthly podcast lasts 40-50 minutes and addresses various quail-related topics. For previous sessions, see www.quailresearch.org/resources. Thanks to Jonathan Vail (Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation) for his technical expertise, Jeffrey SoRelle with RPQRF for logistical assistance, and Gordy & Sons of Houston for funding the effort. If you have a suggestion for an interesting interviewee, please e-mail Dr. Rollins (drollins@quailresearch.org).
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We appreciate the support of Gordy and Sons Outfitters for making this podcast possible. Their curated selection of quality products from all over the world excite even the most discerning of outdoorsmen.