Once again RPQRF was blessed with generous support by Park Cities Quail Coalition! Their annual banquet raised over $2 million and RPQRF claimed its share with a check for $675,000…
by Daniel King To date, RPQRR has received 205 head and wing samples for the 2019-2020 hunting season, 152 of which have been examined for eyeworms using two external techniques…
Last January, we solicited heads of bobwhite and scaled quail in order to assess them for the prevalence of eyeworms. Our goal is to produce a “heat map” showing prevalence…
“We’ll start a fire on both sides of this field, and it will eventually burn together,” says Dale Rollins as we ride his side-by-side utility vehicle along the ranch’s interior…
The most important advance in 80-plus years in our understanding of bobwhite quail ecology—or, more to the point, bobwhite quail mortality—has been the discovery that a certain parasitic eyeworm, Oxyspirura petrowi, not…
At the RPQRR, the focus has been quail for more than a decade. All of the habitat manipulation, mesquite and prickly pear removal and prescribed burns are designed to better…
No one could explain why the birds disappeared from the Rolling Plains of West Texas. It was the autumn of 2010, and for the past thirty years that Rick Snipes had…
In the summer of 2010, the Rolling Plains of West Texas expected a bumper crop of quail. By October, they nearly had vanished. Now, as part of the largest quail…