Podcasts – Dr. Dale on Quail
Consult your crystal ball as we delve into some new directions in quail research. Join Dr. Dale as he interviews one of his former graduate students on “what’s new on the research front?” Brad Kubecka is now completing his Ph.D. at the University of Georgia where he has used “barcoding” (a type of DNA fingerprinting) to analyze the diets of bobwhite chicks. Brad is no stranger to RPQRR; he worked here as a student intern and then went onto conduct his MS research at RPQRR. He is one of the “young guns” in quail research. We hope to see him back in Texas soon where he will head up a new East Texas Quail Restoration Initiative. Also of interest Brad studied the diets of wild turkeys in the Texas panhandle to address a perennial argument: are wild turkeys major predators on bobwhite nests and chicks? The results may surprise you.
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