Podcasts – Dr. Dale on Quail
Say what? Yep, appreciate as in “to judge with heightened awareness” or “be cautiously or sensitively aware of.” My guest this month is Dr. Clint Boal, a professor and raptor specialist from Texas Tech University. Dr. Boal appreciates raptors as in “to value or admire highly.” Suum cuique. We’ll discuss the commonly observed raptors in west Texas and which constitute a “quail threat.” We’ll also recap some of the recent research that Dr. Boal and his student Becky Perkins conducted on the ranch about 10 years ago.
For previous sessions, see www.quailresearch.org/resources. Thanks to Jonathan Vail (Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation) for his technical expertise, co-host Gary Joiner (Communications Director for Texas Farm Bureau), Jeffrey SoRelle with RPQRF for logistical assistance, and Gordy & Sons of Houston for funding the effort. If you have a suggestion for an interesting interviewee, please e-mail Dr. Rollins (drollins@quailresearch.org).
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