Podcasts – Dr. Dale on Quail
This month’s guest is Tyler Sladen of Albuquerque, NM. Tyler is a serious falconer who specializes in hunting quail with his Tiercel goshawk “Jimmy Dean.” Tag along with Tyler and Dr. Dale as they discuss the sport of falconry, and specifically hunting the quails of North America with raptors and bird dogs. Sladen, Jimmy Dean, and his corps of Setters have combined to take over 100 quail across nine states in 2023. As a Student of Quail, you can learn a lot from seeing how quail react when pursued by a hawk, and what kind of “storm shelters” serve to foil a hawk’s attempts. Join us on January 20; you’re going to enjoy this one.
For previous sessions, see www.quailresearch.org/resources. Thanks to Jonathan Vail (Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation) for his technical expertise, co-host Gary Joiner (Communications Director for Texas Farm Bureau), Jeffrey SoRelle with RPQRF for logistical assistance, and Gordy & Sons of Houston for funding the effort. If you have a suggestion for an interesting interviewee, please e-mail Dr. Rollins (drollins@quailresearch.org).
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We appreciate the support of Gordy and Sons Outfitters for making this podcast possible. Their curated selection of quality products from all over the world excite even the most discerning of outdoorsmen.