RPQRF announces two new services in the Rolling Plains: management consultations and distance-based helicopter surveys. “We seek to reach out to our partners (old and new) and provide them with management needs customized to their property” said Dr. Brad Kubecka, Executive Director.
Kubecka says the helicopter counts are done with the latest technology and the results can be used to produce “heat maps” showing how quail abundance varies across one’s property. Density estimates are used to develop harvest recommendations and determine weak links across a property. “The data also provide RPQRF with information from across a landscape larger than the Research Ranch alone to help interpret management context behind population ebbs-and-flows across the region.” Together, these resources resonate well with landowners and lessees seeking research-based management/harvest recommendations.
Initial site visits are complimentary, but RPQRF encourages annual donations to the Foundation to support its time and associated costs. Fees associated with helicopter surveys are covered by the landowner. For more information, email or call Dr. Kubecka at 979-702-9681, bkubecka@quailresearch.org.