Charity hurts, especially when one is asked to give of their quail in a “down” year. But we badly need your “contributions.” Bobwhites are needed for our ongoing (Year 3) translocation research efforts in Erath County, and two new efforts we hope to initiate in Stephens (bobwhite) and Fisher (blue quail) counties. Specifically, we need 200 bobwhites from the Rolling Plains and 200 from South Texas. Additionally, we need 200 blue quail from west Texas. Our “ask” is for an opportunity (2-3 days) in February to trap a maximum of 25 birds from a site. To put that in perspective, that’s less than two daily bag limits. Will you help us out?
The greatest “degree of difficulty” herein is the task of securing 200 bobwhites and 200 blues from west Texas. Good candidates are areas that are too thick (with brush) to be productive for quail hunting but are well stocked with deer feeders (a focal point for coveys). If you know of any such sites, please let me know (drollins@quailresearch.org), and forward along to any deer hunters or other prospective donors who you know who might be prospective donors. Baiting would begin in January and trapping would take place in March.