The Region 7 American Shooting Dog Championship was held recently on the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch—it was a hotly contested affair. When the smoke cleared two big running pointers with wide reaching races and bird work bested the field of 22. Tapped for the top spot was Chupacabra with an all age race and a limb find far to the front for Tyson Traw. Buck Neil’s Great White was named Runner Up Champion. Great White had two finds and a big race. Several other dogs had impressive performances that were championship caliber.
The Region 7 Derby stake was contested in icy cold brisk wind. Eighteen derbys were drawn for this quality competitive stake. All dogs and participants were subjected to freezing rain and high winds but nonetheless, it was a quality event. Placing 1st was Gypsy Chick with two finds and a good ground game for Buck Neil. Second place went to Fast Freddie Davis with Stormin Uhaul, a Pointer male. Third place went to Chris Corman with Terry’s White Tyler.
The RPQRR is beautiful venue for big running bird dogs and Region 7 is appreciative for the privilege of using these grounds.